Feed My Sheep is a special offering campaign that asks members and regular attenders to pray about and commit to being a part of the project to build a new kitchen, replace the CLC/gym floor and convert the current kitchen into storage.

At a Special Called Business Meeting on Sunday, May 22, 2016, the congregation voted to approve a proposal from the Properties Committee to undertake the project. The congregation also approved a Stewardship Committee recommendation to pay for the project through a combination of using existing reserve funds, acquiring a line of credit loan and starting the Feed My Sheep campaign.

Currently left on loan


Estimated completion of project

Completed March 2017



Feed My Sheep introduction (showed in service May 22, 2016). David Langford, Stewardship Committee Chair.


Betty Branscum, kitchen staff volunteer (showed June 5, 2016).


Chris Carney, Upward Director (showed June 12, 2016).